Monthly Archives: June 2016

Rangeview estate builder’s penalty reduced after his financial situation was taken into account by VCAT

Victim impact statements after Rangeview estate builder fined for breaches of prefessional standards

MUST: Victim impact statements after Rangeview estate builder fined for breaches of prefessional standards

A NEGLIGENT builder who left families with hundreds of thousands of dollars in repair bills had his penalty reduced after a tribunal took his financial situation into account.

David Brayer, a director of company Statbay Pty Ltd, was the corporate builder contracted to build 69 townhouses at Diamond Creek’s Rangeview estate that are now riddled with defects. (more…)

How one of our worst builders left a trail of leaking roofs, toilets spewing sewage & unfinished jobs – and got away with it

‘O’Leaky’ could be the worst builder since O’Reilly bungled Basil Fawlty’s renovation in Fawlty Towers. Picture: BBC

BURGLARS, vandals and car thieves worry people, which is fair enough. They’re the pests that do the regular mischief — so regular that insurance companies can rank the postcodes where they strike most. Live long enough and you’ll suffer from one or all of them, maybe more than once. (more…)

Disabled builder wins battle with Simonds Homes over faulty slab

Shannon Draper in front of the unfinished property. Photo: Luis Ascui

Shannon Draper is a carpenter from Doreen. He’s on a disability pension. Simonds Homes, on the other hand, is one of the nation’s biggest home builders. Last year, the company earned $634 million in revenue. So it can afford to hire top lawyers when things go wrong. (more…)