Dear stakeholder
RE: Residential Building Cover (RBC) Package Review 2013
The Minister for Lands, Planning, and the Environment has announced an independent review into the Residential Building Cover Package. A copy of the Review’s Term of Reference is attached for your information.
The Review Panel will as part of its review be testing the RBC package against past builder failures in the Northern Territory to quantify the extent that the current RBC package (including the cover provided by the fidelity fund scheme) would have benefited consumers.
The Panel is also inviting comment from stakeholders to assist in identifying if there are any potential modifications to the RBC package which will reduce the red tape burden on the building industry whilst maintaining consumer protection.
An Issues Paper has been prepared to help generate discussion and is available from
You are encouraged to provide your written comments by 26 August 2013, which may be forwarded by email to or by mail to RBC Review Panel, PO Box 1680 DARWIN NT 0801.
Yours sincerely
Residential Building Cover Review Panel
12 August 2013